¿Qué tiempo hace hoy?
Hace buen tiempo - Good weather
Hace sol - It's sunny
Hace calor - It's hot
No hace mal tiempo - Not bad weather
Hace viento - It's windy
Hace fresco - It's fresh
Hace mal tiempo - It's bad weather
Hace frio - It's cold
Hay nieve - There's snow
Hay nubes - There are clouds
Hay neblina - There is Fog
Hay tormenta - There is a storm
Llueve - Rain
Está lloviendo - It's raining
Click on this link for a Sesame Street song about being cold
And this link for more Sesame Street ...
You may be thinking "wait a minute, I thought tiempo
means time..." - well that's true - but tiempo is also
used to indicate the weather. The word clima is also used
frequently. There are 3 words commonly used to make expressions relating to the
weather in Spanish: HACE, ESTÁ, & HAY. Some words like sol
and viento can be used with more than one: hace sol, hay
sol; hace viento, hay viento. ( www.hilltop.k12.oh.us/filedownload/downloadfile/fileid/171)
está nevando
it's snowing
hace calor
it's warm
está lloviendo
it's raining
hace sol
it's sunny
está nublado
it's cloudy
hace fresco
it's cool
esta despejado
it's clear
hace frío
it's cold
hay lluvia
there's rain
hay nieve
there's snow
hay viento
there's wind
hay neblina
there's fog
hay nubes
there's clouds
hay relampago
there's lightening
hay truenos
there's thunder
hay humedad
there's humidity
Click on the link http://divertirsespanol.blogspot.co.nz/2016/05/ for more information on 'El Tiempo'
Now we know lots of vocabulary around the weather, click on this link and see how much you understand